Weakness Shows Strength

Society as a whole would have us to think that this world is solely for the strong. Superheroes are glamorized and physical strength is seen as the ultimate attribute of men, Any signs of weakness are seen as being punkish, wimpish and just plain weak. I believe that it takes a very strong person toContinue reading “Weakness Shows Strength”

Maverick 9/16/13

One of my mentors used to use the term maverick to describe me. As I have always understood it, a maverick is an unbranded calf (still applies to a degree)…but a maverick is also a “lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or herContinue reading “Maverick 9/16/13”

Sanded By God

This week I have had the awesome opportunity to go to Saint Louis and participate in National Wood Flooring Association’s “Wood Flooring Basics” class to learn the minimum to the art of laying hardwood floors. One of the components of this process is called sanding. Sanding is also widely talked about when refinishing a floorContinue reading “Sanded By God”

Why Not?!?!?!

Ever ask someone “why?” and the answer was “just because” or “because I wanted to” or “because I said so”? Or even more bothersome, you ask “why?” and the answer is “why not?” *chuckles* Though it greatly annoys us, more often than not, answering our question with a question forces us to explore the possibilitiesContinue reading “Why Not?!?!?!”