Trust the Present

Sometimes you have to come to grips with the fact that what was will never be again, and shall be has yet to come. This simple revelation allows us to fully live in the present and take hold of the many blessings that comes along with it. My night was restful and my morning startedContinue reading “Trust the Present”

Thankful and Blessed

Hey, y’all ever see an ex and immediately want to break out into a shout? Or find out through the grapevine that a company you desperately wanted to work for has now gone bankrupt? Or a house you dreamed of is now part of a neighborhood that’s falling apart? Because we want certain things, certainContinue reading “Thankful and Blessed”

Tell It

We can all agree that when we share our testimonies/stories, we experience level of freedom and confidence that we haven’t experienced before. What we tend to forget is that the people we share it with usually experience that same freedom and confidence due to encouragement and motivation. Sometimes others just need to know that theyContinue reading “Tell It”