Wounds Into Wisdom


I was getting ready this morning and Joi noticed that I barely have a scar on my leg where I cut myself shaving. I laughed and told her that I bet I won’t rush to shave ever again, because I know what could happen. Though I was making light of the situation, we all have found ourselves gleaning from experiences that were initially negative. Whether it was a toxic relationship, a sour ministry encounter, trusting backstabbing coworkers, or even dealing with family; we made a choice to either stay bitter or become better as a result. Today is sure to be another #WowGodDay and I’m grateful. Let’s remember that what happens in our lives serve as either a lesson or a blessing (or both), and have a WOUNDS-INTO-WISDOM WEDNESDAY!!! #BetterNotBitter

Published by Raushanah N. Butler

Motivational Speaker Transformational Writer Social Media Consultant

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