Time to Reset!!!

Yesterday was a long workday. Primarily because I was met with several interruptions. One such interruption was the 3 times my laptop kept resetting due to updates. Initially I snoozed the updates until it wouldn’t allow me to use that option anymore. So, eventually I just gave in to the inconvenience and let it do whatever it was going to do. The first 2 resets I didn’t notice much difference, but the 3rd one eliminated some of the productivity issues I was having. I thought about that this morning, because I knew what it meant to “reset” something, but I never actually looked at the definition. To reset means to “set, adjust, or fix in a new or different way”. Hmmm…

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but though it may be frustrating, sometimes we’re hit with inconveniences such as the end of a friendship/relationship, a layoff, a delayed need, or a chaotic semester to reset us so that we can take hold of something new or different. New job maybe. New friendships to explore. New ministries to participate in. New relationships to cultivate. New school to attend. It could just be a new or different way of being. And for that to happen, we have to be reset…our mindset, our speech, or our actions.

Well, my day has already started off lovely, so I know it will be a #WowGodDay. So yeah, we may feel inconvenienced by an interruption, but it may ultimately serve a bigger purpose as a reminder for us to have a TIME-TO-RESET TUESDAY!!!


Last week I had a rather difficult day…well, actually few days. I was antsy, snappy, weepy, and just couldn’t get it together. I already had a couple of days off from work due to nosebleeds as a result of the extreme pollen we were having in our area. Because I was well-rested, I expected to have a good day when I returned to work. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. I was hit with one negative instance after another and quickly realized that I slept well, but I wasn’t necessarily well-rested. I say this because my head was still swarming with stuff for work, assignments for my Doctor of Ministry class, and still attempting to be Mommy and friend. I was thinking of the bills that needed to be paid, meals that needed to be cooked, clothes that needed to be folded, emails that needed to be answered, phone calls that needed to be returned, and the list goes on.

I didn’t rest.

So, what is rest? Rest is defined by Dictionary.com as “to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength”.

I didn’t rest.

My mind kept working because I had so much to do on top of not feeling 100%. So, by the time I got to work and encountered challenging situations, I was already overwhelmed and overworked. I couldn’t finish class and I barely made it through the staff meeting that day. Thankfully, I already had 2 days scheduled to take off and guess what? I rested. I left my work laptop in my office, I turned off the notifications for my personal emails, and I paused all of my alarms. I ate when I wanted, walked around in sweats, and didn’t do my hair. I kept Hall & Oates, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder, Lauryn Hill, Beethoven, and Chuck Mangione on heavy rotation and just laid there. I feasted on the melodious waves and sipped on the sweet sound of peace. It was absolutely delicious.

I rested.

Every month I take a mental health/self-care day to get a massage and take myself to lunch. However, I can’t honestly say that I’ve been resting. Because afterward, I end up running errands and making my day longer than I anticipated. Last week was a reminder that it really is okay to take time out to rest. No matter how much time you need. Especially when you already have so much going on. Yes, I took the couple of days off before, but it wasn’t enough because I didn’t fully rest. Let me remind you like I had to remind myself, to rest…FULLY. Allow yourself to rest without worrying about work, home, or anything else that keeps your mind running. Allow yourself to rest without worrying about anything you don’t have control over. Allow yourself to rest without worrying about things getting undone. Bills will be there, meals can wait another day, and emails can be answered later. We can’t be our best selves without proper rest. We can’t excel at work, be present for our loved ones, and contribute to our overall positive health without proper rest.

Rest is holy. Rest is self-preservation. Rest is necessary. Rest is resistance (there’s a book on this that you should look up). Rest is love. Rest is peace. Rest is critical. Rest is mandatory. Rest is wonderful. Rest is delicious.


Move How You Move

There is a street that I travel on quite frequently in order to make my way to the interstate or to go to a certain area of town. I rode down this same street the other day and without fail, there were a number of cars that started swerving. Why? Well, the first time I witnessed it, the car that was about 2-3 cars ahead of me swerved to avoid a steel plate that was in the road. The cars behind them automatically started swerving to avoid the same steal plate, but by the time I was upon it, it was too late for me to swerve. Imagine my surprise, and then my annoyance, when I discovered that there wasn’t anything to swerve away from. I rode over that steel plate like it was nothing; without accident, incident, or issue. It didn’t make my car shake. It wasn’t harsh on my tires. As a matter of fact, it was almost as if it wasn’t even there. And yet and still, because one car decided to swerve due to the appearance of trouble, everyone else followed suit. I’m just reminded that sometimes, we blindly follow the masses without realizing that the “M” is silent. *if you can’t say “AMEN” say, “OUCH!”. Just because everyone else has done it (or is doing it) doesn’t mean that we should. More often than not, it’s best for us to find out for ourselves what’s really going on without the influence of someone or something else.

Well, it’s the beginning of a new week and that means that today will be another #WowGodDay. Just remember that the only person living your life is you, so stop making someone else’s issues your issues. Continue to be you, do you, and don’t fall prey to doing what others do so that you can have a MOVE-LIKE-YOU-MOVE MONDAY!!!

Waive the Weight Away

This morning when I got to the gym, there were 2 people already there. I was shocked because I’m usually the first person to come in. Needless to say, they were newcomers and had to arrive 15 minutes early to do the paperwork and all that good stuff. Well, when it was time for the guy to receive his heart monitor, he was asked how much he weighed. I sat there for a second, then after he left, I asked if the weight made a difference. I was met with an enthusiastic, “Yes, it does!”. She proceeded to check the weight I had listed in my profile then weighed me and noted the difference. We never thought to recheck my weight though it was obvious I’d lost weight since I started several months ago. So, after she input my correct weight she said, “Now that you’ve decreased the weight, you should see the change in the connection”. *insert shout * Sure enough, almost immediately, I witnessed the difference.

I sat in my car for a little bit and pondered that. My connection was poor because I was essentially representing the weight that I no longer physically carried. *insert another shout * And when I began to reflect on the last few weeks and even months, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve been carrying the weight of dissipated friendships, strained relationships, and situations out of my control and it was hindering my connection with God.

I’m not trying to be preachy, but maybe my revelation hit home for someone else. Sometimes we’re disconnected because we’re carrying stuff that we no longer have to. The friendship is over! The relationship is over! The employment situation is over! The ministry assignment is over! The leadership position is over! It may sting a little or hurt a lot, but it’s over!

Needless to say, I absolutely crushed my 5AM workout, so I know it’ll be a #WowGodDay. This is just a reminder that not everything that weighs us down is ours to carry. Let go, let God, and have a WAIVE-THE-WEIGHT-AWAY WEDNESDAY!!!

When Rejection Happens

Within the last couple of months, I received several rejections. Rejections from committees about awards I was nominated for, to different programs I wasn’t selected to take part in, to organizations that denied me membership, and also being declined for opportunities to enhance my professional growth. Did I mention, there were SEVERAL? They were coming in, one email and letter after the other; seemingly with no end in sight. But it was after conversing with a good friend of mine about the latest rejection I received, that I leaned on my favorite scripture, Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) which says “Many are plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”. It can be hard getting a rejection, and it can be equally as painful watching others take part in or receiving what you were rejected for. Especially after getting one’s hopes up and investing energy into the process. So, I just wanted to encourage someone today like I was encouraged to remember that there can be another side to “no”.

NO = Next Opportunity: See rejection as redirection because looking at the bigger picture takes the focus off of the rejection and onto ourselves. There is a quote by Alexander Graham Bell that says, “Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open”. WHEW! Such an eye-opening truth. So, allow me to be transparent for a moment. One of the rejections I received literally stunned me. I believed it was going to happen and it didn’t. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. But guess what? Within an hour later, I received an email stating that I was selected for something else that I was looking forward to. Whether we see it or not, scripture reminds us in Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) that God has plans for us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Had I put all my energy into the rejection, I would have missed celebrating and embracing the other opportunity that came my way. When we put our time, energy, and efforts into an opportunity that doesn’t work out, it’s easy to become so consumed with the rejection that we miss an open door. We can miss an opportunity to do the same thing, have the same experience, or even do something vastly different that could propel us forward by not moving on from what didn’t happen.

NO = Not Yet: One of my favorite passages of scripture is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NLT), with that first verse summing it up as a reminder that there is a time for everything: “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven”. I believe that! Every rejection I received doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t happen, it just may mean that it’s not the right time. I had to sit back and reflect on if I was able to make the financial investment and time commitment for some of the opportunities I pursued. The truth is, I wasn’t. Well, not without stress or strain. Of course, there may never be a “perfect” time, but there are times that are more ideal than others. I had to consider what I would have been giving up. I had to consider if it would impact my work life. I had to consider if it would take away quality time spent with my family and friends. I also had to consider if it was necessary at that time or at all. Yes, the rejection stings, but what can sting even more is forcing something to happen when it’s not time.

NO = Not There: All too often we focus so heavily on the location of the opportunity that we aren’t tuned into the opportunity itself. If it’s the exposure, growth, and development of the opportunity that you really want, then find other locations and outlets to pursue that same goal. For instance, one of the rejections I received was from a mentoring program. Sometimes it may confuse people that at this stage, professionals still desire mentoring. But for me, I needed and wanted it more than ever before since I was progressing professionally. Proverbs 16:3 (CEB) is a strong reminder to “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed”. After sitting with the rejection for a minute, I prayed about it, tapped into my network, and did some additional research to figure out how I could achieve the same results. Not only did I find a mentor in the area that this mentoring program would have assisted me with, but I also connected with a couple of professional organizations that have programming tied to the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, it is the credibility and reputation that attracted applicants like myself and others to apply for this particular mentoring program; but again, it was the exposure, growth, and development that I was seeking more than anything else.

I said ALL that to say that there is another side to “no”. Yes, it can hurt. Yes, it can make us feel unworthy at times. Yes, it’s disappointing and can put us in a funk. However, I just wanted to remind someone that when we don’t allow rejection to paralyze us, our dreams can be realized and our goals met. For Romans 8:28 (NRSV) says that, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose”. So though it may not feel good, it will work out for the good. Be encouraged today knowing that a “no” is not always the end, sometimes it’s just the beginning!

Pray for Kendall Thomas

Kelvin and Shanna with Kendall at Scottish Rite

The plan was to do a blog and recap my 2021, especially with so many amazing things that happened behind the scenes that I wanted to celebrate. I will still do so at some point, but allow me to focus your attention on the Thomas family. They are church members of mine at the Cathedral of Turner Chapel AME Church in Marietta, GA, and I also attended undergrad at SCSU with Shanna. Their daughter, Kendall Thomas, sustained horrible injuries stemming from being hit by a car one day after school. Kendall is still fighting for her life. Kendall still needs prayers. The Thomas Family needs significant financial assistance. Shanna and Kelvin are also the parents of 3 more amazing children and are also faced with providing 24-hour care to Kendall.

I don’t have to tell you how exhausting and overwhelming this ordeal is for Shanna, Kelvin, Kendall, and their entire family. I’m limited in what I can do, however, I’m connected to others that can join me in praying and if led to do so and are able to provide financial support as well.

So, pray with me for Kendall:
Provider and Protector God. Sustainer and Delivering God. Redeeming and Healing God. It is with praise and thanksgiving that we extend our gratefulness for the life of Kendall Elise Thomas. The same Kendall you knit together in Shanna’s womb and gave as a gift to her Kelvin. The same Kendall that Camryn, Chase, and Kaiden adore, and Ms. Evelyn cherishes. The same Kendall that her friends care about and look up to. The same Kendall you have endowed with specific gifts and talents to be a bright light in this sometimes dark world. And the same Kendall we come gathered together for right now. Kendall needs You. We join our prayers collectively asking that You send Your healing power right now and touch Kendall from the top of her head to the soles of her feet saturating every fiber of her being in the name of Jesus! Oh God, we come declaring and decreeing a full recovery and complete healing, standing on your Word in Matthew that reminds us that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. So, I come right now with the power and authority you have given me and bind every manner of sickness, disease, or infirmity released against Kendall’s mind or body and give it over to You in the name of Jesus. And I loose your healing power to move in her body right now in the name of Jesus so that she may be healthy, whole, and healed, mind, body, soul, and spirit. I call forth Your warrior and ministering angels to surround her as she is in her comatose state and speak to her. Speak to peace to her mind, in the name of Jesus! Touch every doctor, nurse, and specialist that is responsible for her, so that they provide the best care. Surround Kendall with praying men and women that know your power and move in tune with the Holy Spirit. So for every infection that has infiltrated Kendall’s body, I call you destroyed right now in the name of Jesus! High blood pressure, I command you to regulate right now in the name of Jesus! The swelling of the brain, I demand you to decrease, and her brain is normalized right now in the name of Jesus! Neurostorms, I charge you to cease right now in the name of Jesus! Oh Spirit of the living God, have thine way and move right now in the name of Jesus like never before. Heal Kendall Lord, and she will be healed. Save Kendall Lord, and she will be saved. For we expect a breakthrough! We expect supernatural healing! And we expect a miracle, in the name of Jesus! So Lord we thank you, we magnify you, and give you the highest praise for all you have done, all you are doing right now, and all you will do. And we lift this prayer up in the most precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen, amen, and amen!!!

I also want you to keep Kendall’s siblings in your thoughts and prayers. Camyrn, Chase, and Kaiden need our prayers as they navigate being students, children, and brother/sister to Kendall. Shanna and Kelvin need our prayers for peace, strength, and for God to move in a mighty way as they are challenged with the balancing act of being husband and wife, mother and father, and now caretaker. If you feel led to and are able, there is a legitimate GoFundMe site as well as a site with t-shirts with proceeds going directly to the family. Or if you prefer to give directly to the family, they have a wish list and their CashApp is $teamthomas7.

Above all else, thank you for agreeing with me in prayer for a miracle.

Kendall is stABLE and our God is ABLE.

#KendallStrong #PrayForKendall #PrayWithoutCeasing #TeamThomas

Trust That Things Will Work Out

Ever been in a situation or in a season where everything seems to be going wrong, but things still turn out right? Like this morning…WHEW! Well, first I went to bed late (like 4 hours past my bedtime, SMH), and then I woke up an hour or so late, which made me get to work about an hour late as well. I started rushing because I still have a fairly new job and had a meeting to get to, but by the time I got to work, I took my time. I figured it’s one time and I’m usually there early, so no harm no foul. I get to my office, and I still arrived before a few people, AND my meeting was pushed 30 minutes later; so, I actually ended up “on time”. I’m just reminded that everything works out as it should. There is always going to be something (or even somebody) to put a cramp in our plans, but in the end, it works out.

Well, despite the late arrival and rough start to the day, I’m still having a #WowGodDay.

Just remember that there are some things we have control over, then there are some things we don’t. So, instead of stressing over the things we don’t have control over, we need to just go with the flow and have a TRUST-THAT-THINGS-WILL-WORK-OUT TUESDAY!!!

Make Moves Now

With a little less than 3 weeks before we head into the new year, I know that there are some that may be under the pressure to finish out the year big. And truthfully, 3 weeks is a long enough time to make some things happen, but even if that isn’t the goal, we can still put some things in place for next month…next season…or even next year. Applying pressure doesn’t mean being stressed out and putting ourselves on someone else’s timeline so that we can make a grandiose announcement. Because then we’d end up doing things haphazardly and not in excellence. But it does mean being laser-focused on the goals, dreams, and vision you have for yourself and whether it takes 1 week or 1 year to finish, knowing that have you first and foremost have to start in order to finish.

Well, it’s been a weekend full of reflection and also full of blessings, so I know it will be another #WowGodDay.

Get into position today for your next level tomorrow (or next year, LOL), and have a MAKE-MOVES-NOW MONDAY!!!

Winners Always Win

For many college students, it’s the week of finals. And this morning as I was talking to My Legacy after one of her finals, she said something to me that struck me. She said, “I tried my best and I did all I could. I am proud of myself for it.” We may not always get the result we want, however, if we try our best, that’s enough to be proud of. Success is relative, all too often social media tries to dictate what success should look like. It’s not always flashy cars, big houses, and trips every quarter. Sometimes it’s waking up every day and giving your best in a situation that is toxic. Sometimes it’s checking the box from one of your goals related to your new business. Sometimes it’s making a “C”, when your previous grade was an “F”. Sometimes it’s completing a book that you started several months ago. Sometimes it’s losing 5 pounds or walking 1 mile, or even working out at all. Whatever success looks like to you, continue to put your best foot forward and be proud of that.

Well, it’s been busy on this end already, but it’s definitely going to be a #WowGodDay. Just remember. as long as you know what success looks like to you, it’s never a loss…so, walk in that and have a WINNERS-ALWAYS-WIN WEDNESDAY!!!

Modify to Move Forward

When the world shutdown due to the pandemic, it initially put everyone in a panic. Basic needs were purchased in excess, domestic violence and child abuse immediately rose, and many churches became stuck with out to preserve their sacredness while using technology. It didn’t take long for people to pivot and figure out how to move forward, but there are some that became paralyzed instead. The learning environment for many students were not conducive to their learning style, corporations started losing employees at a rapid pace, and many small business owners were hit hard. What do you do? One of the primary conversations I’ve had with a few of my mentees is to take a moment to breathe, then think about how they wanted to move forward. Sometimes it’s not about focusing on the same goals, vision, and aspirations, but changing up what they were initially seeking. So, this is just encouragement for someone today that may feel stuck, it’s okay to change your goals or seek different ones altogether. It’s okay to change your mind about what you wanted to do, how you wanted to do it, and when you wanted to do it. It really is okay…and being flexible about it can get you unstuck. *just ponder that for a little while*

Well, it has already been a busy morning, but it will be a #WowGodDay nonetheless. Just remember that everything doesn’t have to go according to plan and that it’s okay to change your mind and have a MODIFY-TO-MOVE FORWARD MONDAY!!!